Author: Barnabas Achoki

I reignited romance with my ex after a break from wife

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. I have been married for six years and got two lovely children. Last year, things were not going […]

My husband has a good job, yet he lives off me

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. What do I do with my man who will not provide, yet wants to be treated like a […]

I fear I’m falling for my fine, young errand boy

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. I have been married for the last 10 years. My husband and I have three children. As a […]

We married men also wallow in loneliness

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis.  It is not just married women who feel lonely in their marriage – some married men are lonely […]

I’m torn between my ex and current girlfriend

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. I was in a relationship, but my girlfriend and I broke up last year. It didn’t take long […]

Married but lonely, I miss my children

Reading Time: 2 minutes My husband and I are in our 40s and have been married for 15 years.  Our children are in boarding […]

How do I help my friend in an abusive marriage?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. My best friend is in an abusive marriage. She has been married to this guy for the last […]

I cheated on my wife with the maid, how do I mend things?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi Achokis. I have been married for three years and my wife and I have one son. I recently had […]