Play your part to keep Covid-19 infections at bay
Iran has set two grim records this week. The first was the highest number of new Covid-19 infections and, the second, recording the most coronavirus deaths since the virus outbreak in the country in March. Iran is battling a third wave of the disease.
Europe, on the other hand, is battling a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So bad is the situation that governments are being threatened with no-confidence votes because leaders are torn on what measures to take.
The UK registered 19,724 new infections on yesterday and the US has registered 54,512 new cases.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. News of a patient who got infected with the virus the second time, has thrown into a spin, claims of immunity for those who have recovered.
In Kenya, the writing is on the wall. Experts warn that things are likely to go downhill and fast.
The country recently flattened its curve after months of pain and sacrifices.
Businesses were closed and as a result jobs were lost. Schools were closed and learners lost time they may never regain.
Loved ones were lost and not mourned; they were buried in a huff by strangers as relatives watched from a distance. Movement was curtailed.
When the curve flattened last month, President Uhuru Kenyatta eased the restrictions.
Life is slowly getting back to normal. Schools partially reopened this week.
Movement is no longer restricted (although night curfew remains) and friends can mingle, attend weddings or respectfully bury the dead.
But as the adage goes, a forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels. Kenyans have fast forgotten where they have come from.
Protocols issued by the authorities are no longer being observed. And a second wave of infection is fast becoming a reality.
Infection rates had stabilised but for the last one week, the rate is rising.
Acting Director of Health Service Patrick Amoth did not mince his words saying: “If the infection prevention and control measures are not adhered to strictly… then a second wave will be imminent. However, we hope not to get there.”
Should restriction be re-introduced, it is the populace that will suffer. Should infections rise, it is the Kenyan people that will become desperate again.
Washing hands, social distancing, sanitising and wearing a mask have been the silver bullet that have saved lives and kept the virus at bay. Let’s all play our part.