
Use digital media for better customer relations

Use digital media for better customer relations
Digital world. Photo/Courtesy

Ngulamu Jonathan 

Good customer services lead to powerful customer relations which create and drive powerful businesses.

This week, nearly all businesses and individuals are commemorating customer service week , and  in light of Covid-19, a majority of them are doing it through digital platforms. 

While many corporates are already on social media, it is important for them to note the digital sphere is growing rapidly. Here is where the new markets are.  

Nowadays, customers prefer to interact with businesses at their comfort zones and in doing so, good businesses’ responsiveness to customers are making more people seek both services and products online.

In view of this, both corporates and individuals have no option but to adapt to this growing trend, to increase their interactivity, not only with their existing customers but also prospective ones. 

With information from Datareportal indicating there were 22.86 million internet users in Kenya as at January 2020, most likely, a majority of the customers are now living online.

Considering this report’s revelation that between 2019 and 2020 there was an increased of 3.2 million internet users and the internet penetration was at 43 per cent in the same period, whether companies have other customer service relations boosting platforms or not, it is clear that digital media is taking over.   

While the report indicates that there were were 8.80 million social media users in Kenya in January 2020, the Communications Authority indicated there were about 52.06 million mobile connections at the same period, suggesting that over the next few years, the number of internet users will increase. 

Globally, active social media user’s numbers was at 3.8 billion as at January 2020, meaning that corporates and entities should realise new markets have and will continue to shift online. 

Covid-19 has accelerated demand for online services.  Companies are using Facebook to reach their customers; Zoom to host conferences; and Twitter to break news.

In this sense, even the small business in our grassroots levels ought to adapt to this new culture. 

For so long, the traditional customer management on a face-to-face meetings or calls have dominated most organisations and business.

With the rise of new communication platforms, businesses are now creating excellent and easy customer relations channels to build a strong brand loyalty, increase sales and even win more customers. 

To ensure that this happens consistently, it is important for businesses to create customer relationship management, a tool essential in identifying customers and their needs.

Once established, the business is able to anticipate the future of business needs based on data on historic sale and service trends.

Through the Ministry of ICT in Kenya, policies to safeguard customers and online businesses have been put in place.

Over and above that, projects like the Konza Technopolis will establish more vibrant tech-led businesses.

Nurturing digital media culture will be a win for many generations.  

Digital media give people a chance to comment, like and interact from across the world.

By being proactive or reactive to customer queries on the platforms, businesses will improve the efficiency of one’s services and in the process, one will get to know their customers well as well your products or services feedback. 

As a leader in an organisation, you will be in a better position to listen to your customers well, not only on their pain joints but also on how to improve your services.

However, with the digital transformation bringing to fore new experiences with customers, the initial ways used to enhance customer relations ought to be observed.

In other spheres, one needs to weigh which platform works best because we have different target markets. 

In view of these factors, a consideration to leverage on  digital media platforms which works best for your business will boost customer relations while driving not only the reputation of the business but also the revenues.   — The writer is a communications consultant at IMG Kenya. Email: [email protected]

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