Raila denies claims by opponents about dark forces and witchcraft

ODM leader Raila Odinga, denied yet again yesterday claims by Deputy President William Ruto that he is a believer in witchcraft. He also denied he relies on dark forces to advance his political career.
Ruto and his allies, while wooing supporters in the 2013, 2017 and even upcoming 2022 General Election, have told them not to trust “mganga (a witchdoctor)” and “mtu wa vitendawili (a man of riddles).”
But speaking yesterday when he attended a service at the PAG church in Karen, Raila said he is a Christian who acknowledges the existence of the Supreme Being, and were it not for the hand of God he could not alive today given the political risks he has taken in the past.
Suffered under Moi
“I have been incarcerated in cells and dingy holes for a whole 24 hours. You only have one hour to see the sun and the remainder of the time, you won’t see the sun, at dawn they open for you to dispose your human waste after which you are locked again,” Raila said in reference to his detention without trial in Kamiti and Manyani Prisons.
“You are locked up without seeing the sun, your eyesight ends up being affected that is why you seem me sometimes wiping my eyes because of that effect,” he added.
The former premier said his family had suffered a lot during the late President Daniel arap Moi’s regime but he and his family are alive today and they have every reason to thank God.
In apparent reference to remarks by DP Ruto and his allies, Odinga said, “Watu wengine wanasema Raila sio mkristo ni mtu wa shetani , eti yeye ni mganga na kadhalika, nikauliza Uganga shida yake ni nini? Uganga ni utabibu, si ndio wanatibu watu?
He added: “Lakini mimi nimesema ni mkristo tena mwa Anglikana and I know, “
Citing sections of the national anthem, the former PM said Kenya is a country that believes in God for its existence.
“Our founding fathers had a Kenyan dream, a God blessed one , Justice be our shield and defender, Peace and liberty and above all.
Plenty be found within our borders, we believe is still achievable,” Raila said as drummed support for the recently launched Azimio La Umoja initiative.
“It is in our national anthem, May we dwell in unity, peace and liberty. Unity of the people of Kenya irrespective of your religion, gender, ethnic or tribal background,” he said, adding that nobody was in Kenya by invitation by anybody.
Raila said the Journey to Canaan is still on as he was now courting every including the Mt Kenya region which had rejected him in successive elections.
If given nod to lead the country next year, his administration will prioritise free and accessible healthcare, hunger free nation and respect for the rule of law.
“We want to make healthcare affordable and accessible to everyone, because at it is now, huge hospital bills are impoverishing the citizenry, I belong to the school of thought that the Kenyan dream is real,” he said.