Nominated Senator Mwaura calls for bill to guide impeachment

Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura has called for drafting of an impeachment procedure law to guide the process of governors ouster.
He said this would divorce partisan politics from the process as witnessed during a debate to decide if the impeachment of Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru would be handled by the entire House or a Senate committee.
“In order to remove partisan decision on whether an impeachment of governors like Waiguru, (Ferdinand) Waititu and (Martin) Wambora or any other constitutional office holder should be by way of plenary or committee in the Senate, I have officially written to the Senate speaker Kenneth Lusaka, requesting for the drafting of an impeachment procedure bill,” he said.
According to Mwaura, current laws and standing orders are insufficient in providing for a clear cut roadmap on the procedure.
Currently, he said legislators rely on precedents and the politics of the day to determine what route to follow.
“ A product is as good as the process. We need to define the process, for the product to be acceptable in the court of public opinion and to uphold the rules of natural justice,” he said.
In the letter to Lusaka, Mwaura said there is need to have an Impeachment Procedures Act which will ensure proper procedures are put in place.
“Reference is made to deliberations and the debate of the honourable House on the past cases with regards to the impeachment of governors,” he said.
“In this regard, I request that the legal department to draft an impeachment procedures bill in order to adequately guide this process,” the letter reads in part.