Indiscipline among police attributed to lack of patriotism

The rising indiscipline cases among police officers were yesterday attributed to lack of patriotism.
National Police Service Commission (NPSC) chairman Eliud Kinuthia said his office is currently dealing with more than 800 cases of indiscipline among officers recorded in the last three years.
Speaking during a sensitisation meeting in Kilifi ahead of the countrywide police recruitment slated for Thursday, Kinuthia (pictured) said the indiscipline cases include abscond from duty, rudeness towards seniors, resignation among officers who have served less than the stipulated service years and involvement in crime among others.
“Don not come to the service if you want to get rich. The job requires one to work diligently for the country with passion. If you have no passion for this job please do not come,” he said.
Kinuthia said their aim of carrying out sensitisation meetings ahead of the recruitment exercise is to advise, guide and educate candidates on how police officers operate and what is expected of them once recruited.
“We have handled cases where officers start absconding duty before they even serve two years after finding out that their mission could not be achieved through the force,” he said.
Kilifi County Police Commander Nelson Taliti warned parents against selling their land to buy slots during the recruitment exercise since it amounts to fraud and bribery.