How DCI sleuths captured five more suspects over the murder of Rai Cement boss
By Njange Maina, October 6, 2019
Police yesterday arrested five more suspects in connection to the murder of Rai Cement Boss Chetan Vyas.
The five suspects were identified as Azim Salim(38), Osman Noor(28), Mohamed Shahid (38), Yacoob Wali (24) and Shabdin Isamil(29).
Shabdin Ismail was identified as to have worked as a security guard in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The five are loading supervisors in the cement factory but stationed in Mombasa.
Forensic investigations leadeing to the arrest indicate that the five were at the crime scene on the night Chetan was murdered.
Author Profile
Njange Maina
Njange Maina is a journalist by profession with a degree in Journalism from the Multimedia University of Kenya. He is currently pursuing a micro-masters degree in Digital Branding and Marketing. He is interested in digital media, human interest stories, and business journalism.
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