Evaluation of El Nino impact on schools to guide intervention plans
The Ministry of Education is conducting a rapid assessment exercise on effects of El Nino on learning institutions to inform response interventions.
Director General Elyas Abdi has said a rapid assessment reporting template for County Directors of Education (CDEs) and Heads of Schools has been initiated, which will guide this process.
“All heads of schools are required to complete the template on the National Education Management Information System platform by December 13,” Abdi said in a circular to all Regional, County and Sub County Directors of Education dated December 4.
Assessment tools will focus on the number of schools affected in terms of accessibility and hosting internally displaced persons, number of learners and staff from the affected schools and the nature and number of losses or damaged facilities and infrastructure.
Assessment is expected to inform relevant interventions that will assist in the smooth re-opening of schools on January 8. “County Directors are required to fill the daily online reporting template that will be posted on CDE’s WhatsApp wall in order to provide information required by the National Disaster Operation Centre,” the Director General said.
Schools are also expected to give other details like enrollment information from pre-primary to secondary level, number of teachers and non-teaching staff as well as immediate support the school will need for re-opening.