
Ten phobias that are outright bizarre

Ten phobias that are outright bizarre
Phobias that are outright bizarre.
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We are all afraid of something, they say. And as Nailantei Norari writes, while some fears such as the fear of heights is common and understandable, there are others that are just strange.

Fear of opening eyes

If there were honourable mention for the most disturbing phobia, it would be the fear of opening one’s eyes, also known as optophobia.

Even though this process is natural to humans and it is rarely thought about, for optophobes, this natural and simple process is undeniably a nightmare to them.


According to studies, laughter is good for one’s health. It improves mental health, helps develop social bonds, and is a cardiovascular exercise.

On the other hand, those who have geliophobia have a fear of laughter, where hearing a laughter can cause overwhelming anxiety and fear. 


If you are experiencing trepidation, seeing children in their tutus (dress worn as a costume in a classical ballet performance) or being at weddings and nightclubs, you might have chorophobia; the fear of dancing.

Some chorophobes might be able dancers, yet any circumstances or events that are associated with dancing can cause extreme fear and anxiety. 


Many of us have experienced irritation or embarrassment at our families’ behest with most of us considering it the price of love.

However, there are those who suffer from extreme fear from their relatives, a condition known as syngenesphobia.

It is important to seek treatment if the condition is really bad as research shows that establishing a strong bond with families helps increase life span. 


There are people who are so afraid of eating peanut butter, as they fear it will stick to their soft palate.

Although peanut butter is not essential for a satisfactory and healthy life, arachibutyrophobes are missing out on the tastiness of peanut butter.

But they will be fine; some of us tasted peanut butter in our mid-life ages. 

Fear of sunlight

Heliphobia is a rare and unfortunate condition, where someone fears the sunlight.

Some may also fear bright lights with their fears stemming from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. 

Dinner conversation

Social anxiety is fairly common among introverts. Deipnophobia, is a specific social anxiety where someone dreads the small talk around the dinner table.

Despite causing awkwardness and discomfort for the party guests, the deipnophobes who remain quiet while eating benefit from better digestion and might also be considered to have better etiquette.

New things 

Although change is feared and loathed by almost everyone, there are plenty of people who have an irrational and intense fear of new experiences and things.

This can affect their well-being and happiness because they miss out on plenty of life-enhancing events. Research shows that the stress that neophobia causes in those affected can shorten their life expectancy.

Fear of chins

Geniophobia is the fear of chins; the lower part of the face just to be clear.

Moreover, there are other phobias concerning different body parts, which include: ishicascadiggaphobia (fear of elbows), chirophobia (fear of hands) and genuphobia (fear of knees).

Therapy is recommended to treat this condition because the phobia makes a normal social interaction extremely difficult. 

Washing and bathing

Although plenty of children hate showers, abluthophobia is more common among adults.

Experts say skipping the occasional shower helps maintain natural oils as well as the good bacteria, which helps protect the skin and prevent diseases. That might be the only silver lining to fearing a bath.

Otherwise, this phobia and the accompanying body odour will completely kill one’s social life.

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