Author: Zadock Angira

Dozens killed, hundreds injured in day of mayhem

Reading Time: 3 minutes At least 23 people were gunned down by police and over 300 others were injured during Tuesday’s protests against the […]

Private security guards to be allowed guns in proposed law

Reading Time: 3 minutes Private security guards assigned to high-risk tasks and critical infrastructure will be armed if a Bill to amend the law […]

Kindiki issues tough rules to protestors

Reading Time: 3 minutes Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has warned against violation of rights and breach of public order ahead of today’s protests […]

Man in Musalia office fraud has other case

Reading Time: 2 minutes One of the suspects arrested together with the Director of Prime Cabinet Secretary Press Service Salim Swaleh had been involved […]

Private security boss exits authority after six years of service

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Director General of Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) Fazul Mahammed has finally bowed out after six years at the […]

Officers linked to murder of 2 indians to be charged afresh

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Director of Public Prosecution has approved fresh murder charges against 15 officers from the disbanded Special Services Unit (SSU) […]

Activists set free over low evidence threshold

Reading Time: 2 minutes Activist Boniface Mwangi and his four co-accused persons were yesterday released after the court failed to approve the charges, terming […]

Chiefs said to meddle in succession matters

Reading Time: < 1 minutes Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has been asked to crack the whip on chiefs meddling in land matters in Kakamega […]