Author: Robert Ochoro

Police in Kisii probe case of man who killed woman, self

Reading Time: < 1 minute Police in Kisii County have launched an investigation into an incident where a man killed a woman and shot himself […]

Clergy calls on legislators to heed to call of their voters

Reading Time: < 1 minute Church leaders in Kisii County have appealed to Members of Parliament to throw away the controversial Finance Bill 2024 rejected […]

Directors raise concern over graft in tea sector

Reading Time: < 1 minute Directors affiliated to Nyamache/ Itumbe factories in Kisii County have appealed to their colleagues to shun graft during the national […]

Gachagua advised to tone down rhetoric or risk being impeached

Reading Time: < 1 minute An association of clerics has issued a stern warning to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, cautioning that he risks being impeached […]

Sickle cell disease: Early screening urged

Reading Time: 2 minutes The government will push for early screening for sickle cell disease and craft guidelines for diagnosis and treatment, a Health […]

MP Osoro hits out at leaders for preaching tribalism

Reading Time: < 1 minute National Assembly Chief Whip Silvanus Osoro has hit out national leaders that he claimed were preaching tribalism, saying this negates […]

Kisii official evades impeachment

Reading Time: < 1 minute A last-minute intervention by a section of Kisii  Members of County Assembly (MCAs) saved Public Service Executive Committee Member, Dr […]

We will shoot down punitive taxes in bill, ODM legislators vow

Reading Time: 2 minutes Three opposition MPs from Kisii county have vowed to shoot down punitive taxes in the Finance Bill 2024. Orange Democratic […]