Hard truths about divorce
Although nothing can fully prepare you for what’s coming during divorce, here are some things to put in mind.
Divorce does not make you instantly happier: The major reason you divorced your partner in the first place is that you were no longer happy in the marriage, but going through a divorce doesn’t make you happier. However, divorce and happiness are mutually exclusive. Many people feel freer after the divorce, but it never makes them happier right away. After a divorce, you may feel like you have lost a part of you.
A few family members and friends will desert you:A possible truth about divorce is that at first, most of your ex’s family and friends may isolate you since you are divorced. Even if you’ve become too close to your spouse’s family and friends, right after the divorce, they may cut bonds. Being close with someone that has divorced your friend or family member can be hard and awkward.
Divorce brings out the evil in people: Divorce often means child custody and who gets what financially. This is the truth about divorce. It can be painful and bitter. But inevitable. Those are two things that can cause nice people to do horrible things: money and children. As a result, in the fight over who gets what, a lot of ugliness can come out.
Your finances will totally change: You will find it hard to be digging into your finances, especially if you were in the traditional role of being the party who did not pay the bills. Although you get to be independent this way, the truth about divorce is that it can lead to a compromised lifestyle. Sometimes you have to start from scratch. It is liberating, but tedious.
You may not trust people anymore: After a divorce, you have the mentality that all men/women are the same and they will end up ditching you. You don’t trust what people say. The truth about divorce is that it can make you lose confidence in people and their words.
Many divorced couples get back together later: Irrespective of how hard it is to get a divorce, many divorced couples are still drawn to each other and after a long time of separation and thoughts, they can ultimately fall back in love and reconcile.