Plot owners in varsity land dispute to be paid Sh2.2b
A dispute over the compensation of plot owners in Mutomo, Gatundu South, Kiambu, is set to be resolved after the government agreed to fix the stalemate that has been derailing the expansion of Mama Ngina University.
Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe said the government will include compensation money in the September supplementary budget.
In the deal, each of the 190 property owners will receive a minimum of Sh10 million for their quarter-acre plots which have been acquired by the government for the expansion of Mama Ngina University (pictured).
All the landowners will receive a total of Sh2.2 billion, with the highest plot going for Sh35 million.
Their chairman Harun Gacheru said the move was a huge relief to the plot owners.
“It’s been tough living on land that we could not develop as we could be relocated anytime. The assurance by the MP that our dues will be included in the September supplementary budget has revived our hopes and we are ready to leave our parcels for expansion of this university,” said Gacheru.
Solomon Muiruri and Mary Nyakio said they secured loans to facilitate their relocation only for the government to delay the compensation plan.