Nema to implement carbon market rules for registry, trading

The government of Kenya is keen to fast-track the development of three regulations to unlock carbon markets.
According to the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) Director General, Mamo B Mamo, the amendment of the Climate Change Act 2016 provided for governance measures for carbon markets and non-markets.
The Act was assented to by President William Ruto on September 1, 2023 and became operational two weeks later.
“This Act provides for development of 4 subsidiary regulations namely the Carbon Markets Regulations, Carbon Trading Regulations, National Carbon Registry Regulations and Non-Market Regulations,” says Mamo.
The government is now in the process of developing the National Carbon Registry whose regulations shall be in due course.
“The development of the National Carbon Registry is a significant journey that the country is embarking on,” said Mamo.
The carbon market registries will serve three inter-related purposes, which include promotion of transparency by providing publicly accessible information on mitigation activities under the carbon crediting programme or jurisdiction.
Designated authority
The registry will also facilitate the issuance, transfer, and use of uniquely-identifiable carbon units that are linked to, and convey a claim to emissions reductions or removals achieved by, registered mitigation activities.
“The registry will help to prevent double counting and double issuance of emissions reductions and removals,” the DG explains, noting that any government authorities in any country need to be fully aware of the different paths carbon projects in their jurisdiction may follow, hence the need to implement a carbon tracking platform.
Nema is the Designated National Authority (DNA) for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and all other markets with the Director General as the National Carbon Registrar.
“This is a great step towards enhancing the flow of climate finance from developed countries to developing countries for the purposes of enhanced climate action,” Mamo adds.
The DG says that Nema has effectively served as the DNA for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for over 15 years and has therefore gained the relevant technical skills.