
KPLC disconnects power at Kilifi civil bureau

KPLC disconnects power at Kilifi civil bureau
Kenya Power technicians at work. PHOTO/Print

Crucial services at the Kilifi County Civil Registration office have been paralysed after Kenya Power and lightning company reportedly disconnected power supply over unpaid bills.

Speaking to the media outside his office, Kilifi County Principal Civil Registration Officer Robert Mbui (pictured), confirmed the power disconnection, saying they have been forced to suspend all the crucial services for the last two weeks.

He said power was disconnected on July 4, prompting the suspension of key services like processing of birth and death certificates, IDs, passport among others.

Mbui said the disconnection was reached to facilitate the payment of a pending Sh54, 000 debt.

“The blackout began on the 4th, July. This was the deadline we were given by Kenya Power Lighting Company had elapsed. So far, we cannot access any data or process any document due to the power cuts,” Mbui said.

He noted that since the beginning of the year, the government had not yet released the allocation of electricity for the premises. “The government has failed to release funds allocated for electricity since the beginning of this year. This situation has caused disruption of operation in the offices and even those seeking services,” he said.


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