
Human rights body asks NCIC to address political tension

Human rights body asks NCIC to address political tension
Police maintain order at Tononoka Grounds, Mombasa, during the celebrations to mark International Women’s Day. PD/NDEGWA GATHUNGU

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has been told to intervene in the rising rivalry between Mvita MP Abdulswamad Shariff and businessman Suleiman Shahbal.

Rivalry between supporters of the two governorship aspirants has continued to spark political tension in Mombasa. On two occasions Nassir and Shahbal supporters have clashed, leaving several people with injuries.

Their first encounter was on February 20, during the Azimio la Umoja rally at Tononoka Grounds where the groups of youths armed with pipes, sticks and stones, clobbered each other violently.

An almost similar incident occurred on March 8 at the same Tononoka Grounds where International Women’s Day celebrations turned chaotic as the groups clashed again.

As a result of the above trend Haki Yetu Human Rights organisation has now petitioned NCIC to summon the two politicians.

Haki Yetu Executive Director Father Gabriel Dolan termed the continued intolerance as a recipe for chaos and now wants the politicians held responsible for actions committed by their supporters.

“Elections are months away, and unless this is nipped in the bud, then we can expect there to be more violence and possible loss of lives in Mombasa, their actions could further disrupt the already ailing business and tourism industry in Mombasa,” said Dolan.

Shahbal and Nassir are battling for Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party ticket in the gubernatorial race which has seen their rivalry grow in the process of wooing their respective support base.

Haki Yetu programmes manager Peter Kazungu, said the organisation strongly condemns the actions of the two leaders supporters saying the leaders should have been summoned to record statements over the matter .


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