Health officials: No rise in pneumonia cases
By George.Kebaso, June 20, 2024
The Ministry of Health has sought to allay fears that pneumonia cases are on the rise in Nairobi.
Officials were aware that some residents had visited health facilities with pneumonia-like symptoms but this was not on a scale to warrant concern, acting Director General of Health Dr Patrick Amoth told People Daily.
Because of immunisation and behaviour change among Kenyans about prevention, the country could be gradually winning the battle against the respiratory disease, Amoth said.
“These combinations and deployment of vaccinations have demonstrated a 22–35 percent reduction in pneumonia incidence and a 4 percent reduction in all child deaths,” Amoth said recently.
One of the strategies the ministry is using is to deploy Community Health Promoters (CHPs), who educate communities on pneumonia prevention and protection measures.
Global goal
“In the event that we succeed in reducing pneumonia-related fatalities, we will increase the likelihood of achieving the global goal of reducing under-five mortalities to less than 25 deaths per 1,000 live births by 2030, a significant reduction from the current rate of 41 deaths per 1,000 live births,” Amoth emphasised.
The best prevention as Kenya approaches the cold season is for people to keep warm, and avoid taking cold liquids, said Kenya Association of Pharmaceutical Industry chairman James Mokoro.
“Yes, immunisation and use of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of pneumonia are crucial, but also the self-initiative by people to keep warm always is by itself a defensive mechanism against the disease,” he said.
Adopting Covid-19-era public health protocols, such as communities adhering to hygiene practices, including vigilant handwashing, wearing face masks and ensuring proper ventilation, are also important, Amoth said.