Covid casts shadow on nurses day celebrations
Harriet James @harriet86jim
Nurses worldwide yesterday celebrated the world International Nurses Day, a day meant to highlight the role of nurses, their achievements and their contribution to the health care industry.
Established in 1974, the day commemorates the birth of statistician, nurse and social reformer Florence Nightingale.
However there was nothing much to celebrate about this day owing to the fact that Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the healthcare industry, with more health workers being affected and infected by the virus.
In a statement posted on his twitter page, the President of National Nurses Association of Kenya (NNAK) Alfred Obengo, recognised the challenges that the pandemic has had in the health care system and pledged to support nurses in improving their working conditions.
Crucial role
“Our colleagues and friends have paid the ultimate price with their lives in light of the pandemic.
We acknowledge the sacrifice they have made for the country. Despite the challenges we continue to find solutions for the ever changing health care system,” he added.
Obengo said that nurses play a crucial role in the containment of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Obengo added that with various partners, the association had been able to deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), educative webinars, trainings, emergency relief and psychological support to nurses.
He said that they will continue to engage national and county leaders on legislative and policy improvement.
“We continue to call on more investment in leadership, technology, human resource for health, policy improvement and favourable working conditions,” he says.