6-million-year-old fossil to be returned to Baringo after 22 years
By Faith Lagat, June 14, 2023
Six-million-year-old Orrorin Tugenesis fossil, discovered at Rondonin Saimo Soi in Baringo 22 years ago, is set to be returned to its original home.
The fossil, which has been under the custody of Community Museums of Kenya (CMK) CEO Eustace Kitonga over the years, awaits the completion of Kipsaraman Community Museum for it to land in the county.
Speaking in his office, Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi, said the fossil will be a game changer as the county will reap big in revenue from tourists.
“With the return of Arorrin Tugenin fossil to our county will be a game changer, this will eventually open up our county for development purposes, more so securing our very own hominid man,” the county boss said.
Kitonga, who was present during the media briefing, said he had to keep the fossil safely in a bank since Kipsaraman Community Museum lacked a better storage facility to guarantee its security.
“Due to the lack of a better storage facility in the county, I opted to store it safely in a bank together with other 50,000 fossils. We are awaiting the completion of Kipsaraman Community Museum for better storage,” Kitonga noted.
Saimo Kipsaraman MCA John Aengwo noted that they were delighted that the region would finally receive a number of tourists which will in the end open up the community and county at large.
Saimo Soi MCA Michael Chebon, expressed his joy noting that through development within the locality, the insecurity issue in the area will be addressed.
The fossil was discovered in the year 2001 by a team of French scientists led by palaeontologist Brigitte Senut and Geologist Martin Pickford in Rondinin village along Tugen Hills, Baringo North.
It is said that it is one of the oldest humans, the size of a chimpanzee with small teeth and thick enamel similar to the modern humans, it was discovered along with some other 50, 000 native fossils.