Siaya: Former Education Executive withdraws from Speaker race due to ‘expensive’ campaigns
Former Siaya Education Executive Pamela Akello has withdrawn from the Speaker race citing a lack of resources to conduct such expensive campaigns.
Akello noted that those battling for the same position were dishing huge resources to Members of the County Assembly (MCAs).
“I have decided to bolt out of the race due to lack of funds for campaigns,” said Akello adding those who had requested her to make an attempt declined to inject resources towards the initiative.
Akello, who ran for the Siaya Women Representative post and lost to Dr Christine Ombaka, said she had given up on political positions but was rather convinced by a few friends to try her luck on the Speaker’s post.
“The campaigns for the Speaker position its an expensive affair that I cannot afford especially now that have run out of resources,” Akello said.
It’s reported that some of the politicians who declared interest in the post have been bribing the MCAs to the extent of booking them expensive hotels and promising them goodies they stand to benefit if they are voted in.
Among those who have declared interest includes Outgoing speaker George Okode, Advocate Evans Orwenjo and Alego/Usonga politician George Mugoye Mbeya.
Okode, who has been the Siaya Speaker since the inception of the County government, wants another term.
He is banking on his performances in the previous terms and his close relations with the re-elected MCAs.
Okode said he has no doubts about his re-election since he has a voluminous track record that speaks for itself.