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CS Askul confirms 1.5m Kenyans face drought, starvation
Hesborn Etyang

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The government has revealed that at least 1.5 million people are currently grappling with the severe effects of drought and starvation.

Cabinet Secretary for East African Community Affairs, ASALs, and Regional Development, Beatrice Askul, alongside PS Kello Harsama, confirmed the gravity of the situation while distributing relief food to residents in Turkana county.

On her first official visit to Turkana, Askul assessed the sustainability of projects implemented under the Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (KDRDIP) during its first phase.

As part of her two-day tour, she and Harsama distributed food aid to households in Turkana West and Turkana North Sub-Counties.

“Drought is real. I’ve seen the faces of mothers here, and their health is clearly suffering. Many are visibly emaciated,” said Askul.

She emphasized that the government was providing relief food, including rice and beans, to help alleviate the dire conditions residents are facing.

Askul also highlighted the importance of her visit to Turkana, stating, “It is critical to connect with the communities and understand the real challenges, especially in remote areas far from urban centers.”

Harsama added that the cash transfer program is still operational, though he acknowledged delays in disbursements from the Treasury.

He reassured beneficiaries that once funds are released, they would receive the accumulated amounts.

“We are providing cash transfers to over 400,000 beneficiaries across eight counties, totaling Sh4.5 billion,” Harsama said.

He also noted that, in addition to the drought crisis, about 500,000 people affected by floods are continuing to receive aid. This brings the total number of Kenyans reliant on relief supplies due to drought and past flood impacts to approximately 1.5 million.

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