Britam, Little in Covid-19 home-care service deal

By , December 2, 2020

LAUNCH: Britam has launched a telemedicine coronavirus home-based care service for the customers of Little, a ride hailing and technology company. 

As the economy continues to re-open, the service aims to expand health care support for victims of the virus in Kenya by providing access to more than half a million Little users.

Britam’s Group Managing Director, Benson Wairegi said if a rider tests positive for Covid-19 within 10 days of the last trip, Britam would provide home-based care to the rider through its telemedicine services.

“The care package comprises the provision of medical kits and essential medicines, tele-consultations with a doctor and nurse, nutritionist and mental health consultation,” he said.

He added that their partnership with Little has seen thousands of customers digitally enrolled on the accidental insurance product and now as the economy reopens, they want to build on their digital experience and expand health care support to these customers by providing them with access to home care treatment in case of Covid-19 infection.

Little and Craft Silicon CEO Kamal Budhabhatti, said Little was committed to deliver high customer value through their portfolio of diverse services since protection against Covid-19 and treatment for those infected are the most relevant needs for everyone at this time.

 He said by leveraging their technology platforms, they have made the enrolment process to this product easy as customers can enrol with a click on the Little APP.

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