Wajackoyah attempted to run for MP seat in UK, was disqualified for lack of wife
Roots Party Presidential candidate George Wajackoyah, now touted by political pundits as a third force in the Uhuru succession politics, has narrated a little-known story about his experience when he attempted to run for a parliamentary seat in the United Kingdom.
In an interview with a local radio station, the presidential hopeful who is slowly gaining traction due to his disruptive thoughts and controversial agenda revealed that he was struck off the contenders’ list for the Tottenham parliamentary seat for lacking a wife. Wajackoyah stated that his presidential bid is inspired by his suffering in the UK as a refugee.
“I have stood for elections in the UK. I was told you are not enough. You are not ripe enough to be a member of parliament for Tottenham. Because we have checked in this list that you have children but no wife. Tell us how you got these children but have no wife.”
“I told them that I got the kids before getting married. The officials told me they could not allow me to run due to ethics. That’s why I have got solidarity to ethics,” he said.
The accomplished lawyer further stated that compared to its peers, the country’s economy has stagnated due to the election of inexperienced leaders. He took a dig at ranking politicians, saying the leaders cannot equate their exposure and experience to his.