
Rift Valley counties register highest vote targets as Central lags behind in Week 1, IEBC announces
IEBC registers voters ahead of a General Election. Photo/PD/File

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The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has stated that counties in the Rift Valley had the highest number of turn out in the ongoing Enhanced Voter Registration (ECVR) exercise that was launched on October 4.

In a statement released on Monday, October 11, IEBC said the Commission reported a low turnout in the first week with only 202,518 (13.5%) registration out of the National week target of 1,500,000.

“The low voter turn out is attributed to general voter apathy, Insecurity in parts of Lamu, Baringo and Laikipia Counties as well as along Kenya-Somalia borders, lack of National Identity Cards by a population that has reached the age of 18 years and above have not received their ID cards for various reasons and the culture of last-minute rush where Kenyans go for exercises when deadlines approach,” IEBC said.

Nandi county had the highest turnout with 6,319 persons registered to hit a six per cent achievement followed by Narok with 6,007 persons (5%), Baringo with 4,225 (6%), Elgeyo Marakwet with 3,889 (7%), West Pokot with 3,585 registered persons with a (6%), Wajir with 3,489 and (7%), Mandera at 3,335 persons and (5%), Samburu with 2,128 (8%) and Tana River with 1,981 at an achieved (5%) per cent.

Nyandarua on the other hand had the lowest turnout with 1,495 persons registered as voters with a one achievement per cent. This was closely followed by Nyeri with 1,915 voters (1%), Kiambu’s 2,334 (1%0, Kitui at 2,324 (2%), Muranga 3,259 (2%), Laikipia 1,664 (2%), Embu’s 2,102 (2%), Kirinyaga at 2,376 (2%), Nairobi county with 16,151 (2%) and Mombasa with 4,486 at (1%).

During the first week of ECVR, a total of 5,206 requests for voter transfer were serviced. The Commission reminded all registered voters that application for transfer is done at the 290 constituency offices.

The Commission is calling upon Kenyans in all parts of the country as well as students in universities and colleges to take advantage of this campaign and register in large numbers to enable them to exercise their democratic right in the 2022 General Election.

The Commission calls upon all Kenyan leaders across the board; both State and Non-State actors to go out of their way in assisting the Commission to mobilize eligible citizens to register as voters.

IEBC will continue sharing updates and progress reports of the voter registration exercise on a weekly basis.

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