Murang’a to fumigate all public spaces to beat COVID

The county government of Murang’a has embarked on fumigation in all public places in a bid to curb the spread of Corona virus.
The exercise targets the urban centres, market grounds and matatu terminus where there is human traffic.
County executive officer for health Joseph Mbai said the fumigation shall be done for a period of three months in all corners of the county.
“This is one of the mitigation measure we are taking to reduce the spread of the virus in our county” he said.
He however lamented that the members of the public has become too careless and are no longer observing the safety measures issued by the government.
“People are no longer wearing masks or keeping social distance and that why we are having a spike in the number of infections” he remarked.
Cummilatively, he said the county has had 347 corona patients 30 of them being health workers.
“We gave 51 active cases, 49 under home based care and two in the Intensive Care Unit” he added.
He said a team of public health officers is going round the county to enforce the safety measure and those who will be found contravening them shall be arrested.
He issued a warning to hotel and bar owners that they risk having their licenses revoked should they fault the guidelines issued by the government.
“We have canceled licenses for several hotels and we shall continue with the crackdown” he said.