Senators to ministry: Embrace both physical, online learning
Hillary Mageka @hillarymageka
A Senate committee has urged the Ministry of Education to adopt a system that combines online and physical learning.
Senate Committee on Education in its report holds that since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic six months ago, online learning has been going on in some schools.
However, the panel notes that children from marginalised areas have not been learning because of lack of electricity and internet connectivity.
“We urge the ministry to ensure constant network coverage and regular electricity supply in the entire country,” the report.
The committee chaired by Nominated Senator Alice Milgo proposes that Parliament appropriates adequate funding to the ministry.
As it is now, the team held, the Government requires an additional 12,000 teachers but the Teachers Service Commission intends to employ 5,000 because they were given a budget of Sh2.5 million only.
The team also wants the Ministry of Water and Sanitation to ensure adequate water supply and tanks in schools.
“They should also ensure there is enough supply of water across the country before reopening of schools,” the report.
Report adds: “We need to bring all stakeholders on board to ensure our children are safe when they go back to schools.”
The committee has also called on the ministry to ensure there are more day schools in the country because they are cheaper to run.
“The government should provide free tuition so that parents will have no excuse not to enrol their children.”
The only provision parents should provide, according to the panel, is food children and uniforms for their because tuition will be free.