Kalonzo claims IEBC’s ‘actions’ would attract national curse

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka now claims that the ‘actions’ of the Independent and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) was attracting a national curse following the alleged electoral malpractices witnessed during the August 9 election.
Speaking in Kisumu on Sunday, October 23, 2022, the former vice president who stood his stance that the IEBC rigged the August 9 elections in favour of President William Ruto maintained that the commission had caused ‘great pain’ to Kenyans.
“I don’t know why a whole team would want to incur a national curse… There are men and women who know what happened… Kenyans have now asked themselves if it’s really necessary to go and vote,”Kalonzo posed.
While maintaining his sustained attacks on the Chebukati-led commission, Kalonzo further defended the four dissenting commissioners stating that they should not be replaced from the positions.
“Nobody should dare touch the four commissioners who are continuing commissioners, because they showed in their own way their sense of professionalism and they were not afraid,” he stated.
Kalonzo on Raila’s loss
His sentiments come a day after he alleged that the country was still hurting over Raila’s loss in the August 9 election.
“The whole country is hurting. Watu wana hasira ya kindani na watu wanataka majibu na nina amini Mungu atatupatia majibu wakati wake. Kwa nini Raila asikubaliwe awe rais wa Kenya?, karibu nitoe machozi” he stated.
He additionally stated that the coalition would unveil a shadow cabinet that will oversight the Kenya Kwanza administration.
The wiper party leader stated that the coalition would announce the members of the cabinet once the coalition’s leader Raila Odinga returns from India.
While maintaining that the cabinet will play a significant role in ensuring that the current administration is held accountable for its actions, Kalonzo pointed out that the coalition will also unveil a budget for its cabinet.
“Baba akirudi, we are going to announce our shadow cabinet because we want to hold them to account, complete with our own budget, which will be presented,” Kalonzo stated.
“We have only this country to call home. We have nowhere to go, lazima tuvumiliane,” he added.