Shaq: I have never been to the US despite having an American accent

Why did you call yourself Shaq the Youngin?
Everybody calls me Shaq because I started making moves in the industry when I was a bit younger and there were not really a lot of young people in the industry. There were a lot of older guys at my place of work and everybody formed the habit of calling me Shaq the Youngin and it was easy and direct to the point and the name stuck.
Do you think your American accent played part in your becoming a radio presenter?
No, my accent did not have any influence on my being on the radio. I was born and raised in Nairobi and I have never been to the States. My accent is influenced by the friends whom I surround myself with. A lot of people do tell me that I have an accent and that my English is different. I personally do not see it that way. My skills, passion, and knowledge of how to entertain in my own way and the influence that I had built, gave me a spot in radio. I do not think my accent had anything to do with it.
You got into the YouTube scene a bunch of years ago. How has the landscape changed since then?
I would say I am super glad I joined the YouTube scene early. It has really changed from that time. Right now, it is so saturated because everyone is doing similar content hence it is lacking in originality and everything is becoming increasingly scripted. One of the good things is that more people have embraced YouTube, more people are learning, growing, getting opportunities and earning from it currently.
What influences your work on radio?
In my work, I am influenced by the stuff I watch, music I listen to, and the people in my life. My personal experiences also contribute to what I speak about because people listen to radio for that authentic feel. Your opinions on real life issues and mindset also influence how people connect with you and your content. Radio job is a tough one though, but with commitment, dedication and passion, we hack it.
contribute to what I speak about because people listen to radio for that authentic feel. Your opinions on real life issues and mindset also influence how people connect with you and your content. Radio job is a tough one though, but with commitment, dedication and passion, we hack it.
You became famous at such a young age. How have you managed to stay grounded?
I have managed to stay grounded because this was my passion from way back. I was not getting into the entertainment industry to be famous or popular, I am in I love with what I do. If you are doing something you are passionate about, you stay grounded because having a reason for doing it gives you peace and direction.
How can you define your style of fashion?
My fashion sense has been evolving over the years. Every year I feel like there’s something about it that changes, but I would say it remains street style. I like dripping; just being different. I would say my type of fashion is ‘hip-hop street’, but in a mature way.
What’s your advice to anyone aspiring for a job in radio?
Take the chance, practice, listen (to more shows and podcasts), and do your research. Taking the chance has never ever been a bad decision to make. Look out for any chances that you can jump on because you never know whether somebody somewhere is waiting to hire or discover you.