
Raila promises Kikuyu, Maa communities major projects
ODM leader Raila Odinga arrives at the Safari Park Hotel for a joint meeting between Mt Kenya Foundation and the Maasai community, PD KENNA CLAUDE

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Orange party leader Raila Odinga has assured Mt Kenya and Maa communities that he will protect their interests and create the right environment for growth and development.

Raila, who was yesterday hosted by the Mt Kenya Foundation at Safari Park Hotel, promised to ensure that all communities, including those that have been fighting over politics and other grievances, find lasting solutions for issues that divide them.

He added that his government would introduce technology in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors as a way of creating wealth.

“We want to do away with the negative ethnicity that has been a problem to this country. We want to create an environment where people will be proud as Kenyans. That you are a Maasai but you do not think that you are better than a Kikuyu, a Kamba or a Luo,” he said.

He added: “We are all Kenyans and that is what we want. I want to work together with the Maa community, people from the lake, Luos and Luhya, Kisii, people in Rift Valley, Coast, North Eastern, Eastern because if we get them to rally behind Azimio La Umoja, we will unite this country.”

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The meeting, which brought together Maasai and Samburu politicians and opinion shapers from Kajiado, Narok, Samburu, Laikipia and Baringo counties, was attended by Environment Cabinet Secretary Keriako Tobiko, Kajiado Governor Joseph oe Lenku, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina and a host of MPs from the Maa community.

 Also present were leaders from Mt Kenya among them Kiambu Governor James Nyoro and his Nairobi colleague Anne Kananu, MPs Sabina Chege (Murang’a), Jude Njomo (Kiambu Town), Nominated Senator I.G Ngugi among others.

In the meeting’s resolutions that were read by Lenku, the leaders agreed to support Raila’s presidential bid.

“As the Mt Kenya and Maa community, today, we declare in one accord and with finality that we shall campaign for and elect Raila Odinga as the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya. Today, as the country prepares to go to the elections, we have agreed together to ensure the continuity of President Uhuru Kenyatta which Raila has been advancing through Azimio La Umoja is realised,” read the resolutions.

The foundation, through its chairman Peter Munga said the meeting between the two communities was inspired by the fact that they share a lot of political and historical aspects.

“We are here inspired especially by a shared sense of common destiny. We are here inspired by the future of this country. The leaders of these communities are here inspired by the handshake. Today, we are here because we know that the destiny of our nation, our people lie in Azimio La Umoja. We are here today because the Handshake has shown the way. We are here as MKF because we believe Azimio la Umoja is the way forward for the future prosperity of the children of this nation.”

Tobiko said the two communities and the country at large has an obligation to elect a president who will not erase the gains the nation has achieved over the years, warning that Deputy President William Ruto, who is among frontrunners in the race was too dangerous for the country

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