
Why Obado ouster bid is no walk in the park

Why Obado ouster bid is no walk in the park
Migori Governor Okoth Obado. Photo/PD/FILE

Migori County is in the eye of a political storm, again. The impending impeachment motion against Migori Governor Okoth Obado has generated intense heat and anxiety.

It promises to be messy according to information emerging from the ground, and the shadow boxing already going on in the respective corners. 

Migori County Assembly Ward Reps are very cagey on the matter, preferring to speak in confidence or not speak at all.

Speaker Boaz Okoth recorded a statement claiming his home in Kisumu was attacked by thugs whose mission he does not know, but could be linked to the planned impeachment motion.

By Friday, information emerged that 27 MCAs had signed up the motion.

County Assembly Majority Leader Ken Ouma, said the threshold has been met and the assembly is all set for the motion to be tabled tomorrow. 

Drastic position

“ODM has 41 MCAs and only 19 are needed to sign the petition. The motion will be tabled for debate, no doubt,” said Ouma, MCA for South Sakwa.

But he warned that tabling the motion is one thing. For it to go through is another.

“It will not be a walk-over. Tabling is ODM party’s decision, but as to whether members will abide by it, is an individual’s decision,” warned Ouma.

George Omamba, MCA for North Kanyamkago, Governor Obado’s home ward, reserved his comment.

“I am currently in Mombasa and I don’t know what is on the ground. I cannot comment on something that has not been tabled,” Omamba said.

Obado is known to forcefully and ruthlessly resist any attempt to challenge his authority.

Many people have not forgotten the violence that took place in the county in 2017 when Suna East MP hosted ODM top leaders, among them Siaya Senator James Orengo, Anyang Nyong’o, who was then Kisumu senator and Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho to launch his candidacy. 

Governor Obado relishes such opportunities to show off his might, inside and outside the assembly. 

He will count on friendly MCAs to counter the motion at the assembly and influential forces outside the assembly.

He has brought the influential Luo Council of Elders in his corner. Its chair, Nyandiko Ongadi fired the first salvo, arguing that the party should have waited for the legal process to reach its logical conclusion, rather than take such a drastic position.

Diehard supporters of the besieged governor on Friday donned T-shirts and reflectors decorated with his images and messages in Awendo and Migori.  

His keyboard warriors are on fire, disparaging ODM chairman John Mbadi and secretary-general Edwin Sifuna for allegedly intimidating MCAs to toe the party line or face disciplinary measures. 

The duo insisted that the party’s position on corruption is clear and that Obado must vacate the seat, after the court ruled that he cannot access his office until he is cleared of the Sh73 million graft charge.

Migori Senator Ochillo Ayacko said on Thursday on Radio Ramogi FM that Obado should not divert public attention from the real issues affecting the county.

Mark Ogol, an Obado supporter, said the matter should have been left for the court of public opinion. 


“The party has dented its own image by getting directly involved in this matter, when the public should have been the judge,” said Ogol.

Sources said some ODM MCAs are doing business with the  devolved unit and may find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

“Some of these guys are just trying to please the party. Deep inside, they are badly conflicted,” said a party hawk.

Some MCAs were seen around Obado’s home in Rapogi over the weekend. They will find it hard to send the deep-pocketed Obado home or toe the party line and remain in the party’s good books.

His close association with Deputy President (DP)William Ruto is expected to work for him given the many projects the DP has initiated in the area.


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