UoN ranks best in excellence, impact and web presence

The University of Nairobi (UoN) has been ranked the best higher learning institution in Kenya.
Latest grading by Webometrics Ranking, an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, ranked UoN the best based on its excellence, impact and web presence.
Research by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the largest public research body in Spain, also shows that Technical University of Kenya (TUK) has made the most drastic improvement, over the last one year.
In the ranking, UoN clinched the top position closely followed by Egerton and Kenyatta in second and third positions respectively.
Ending the top five local honours were Moi and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
Other universities in the top ten list were TUK, which rose from its previous number seven to six, Maseno, Strathmore, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology and University of Embu.
While at number eight generally, Strathmore University in Nairobi topped other private institutions followed by United States International University, Daystar and Mount Kenya University in that order.
In Africa, only eight Kenyan universities made it to the top 200 list in the new ranking whose parameters used were excellence, impact and presence.
University of Nairobi which is Kenya’s giant, was listed number 13 in Africa followed by Egerton and Kenyatta, Moi, JKUAT, TUK and Maseno universities at number 37, 40, 51, 52, 147 and 157 respectively.
For the first time in history, TUK made it to the top list in Africa at position 147 challenging other established public universities.
Other best institutions in the African ranking were Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology and University of Embu at position 218 and 229 respectively.
Globally, only three public Kenyan higher learning institutions made it to the top 2,000 with the best-ranked institution only managing 1052 position.
University of Nairobi took the lead followed by Egerton and Kenyatta at positions 1878 and 1913 respectively.
Webometrics Ranking was established in 2004 and is published twice a year with collection of data being done during the first weeks of January and July.