Tana Delta locals displaced by floods mark Christmas with no food

By , December 27, 2019

Hundreds of families displaced by floods in Tana Delta area of Tana River county celebrated Christmas without food in their makeshift tents.

The families have remained homeless for almost two months as floods ravaged the county.

Local leaders says a humanitarian crisis is slowly unfolding in the area as the victims have run out of food and fresh water with their homes still marooned in water.

 There is also fear of an outbreak of water-borne diseases including malaria, dysentery and cholera.

Areas worst hit include Mwanja, Odole, Samicha, Handarakuand Sogan among other.

At Mwanja, about 150 families have been able to move to safer grounds out of the 350 households. 

Kipini West MCA Musa Wario whose ward has worst been affected by the flooding said the situation is worrying as the locals have no food, shelter and even health services since authorities have not responded to the  crisis.

 He said those who moved to safer grounds that is two kilometers away had to use canoes but the rest refused to relocate fearing they would lose their property.

Odole location Chief Dende Abdulahi said the entire Chara location has been affected by the flooding and victims are camping in three camps;  Darga in Konemasa Marafa and Odhole Primary.

“We urgently need food and nonfood items, residents have many challenges, the crops and animals were swept away,’’ he said.

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