Stowaway maintains he does not want to come back to Kenya

A 16-year-old teenager who was last Thursday found at Maastricht Aachen Airport in Holland, in the wheel arch of a cargo plane has now applied for asylum.
The People Daily has established that the minor is currently at an asylum centre in Ter Apel, a city in Northern Netherlands where he is expected to rest for six days before further probe can commence.
The teenager is, however, yet to explain why he should be granted asylum, but police say they have given him time to settle first.
Standard procedure on such matters is that the person is left to settle for six days before investigations officially kick soff.
This means the minor will have to convince the Dutch government on why they should grant him asylum instead of deporting him to Kenya.
Different location
The minor, whose identity is yet to be revealed was yesterday taken to an Immigration centre and the process of checking whether he qualifies for asylum are being conducted by officials from the Immigrate en Naturalisatiedienst (IND).
When the People Daily contacted IND spokesperson, he declined to issue any comment, saying the department is not authorised to share information about individuals.
It has been established the minor will stay in Netherlands for a while, as he gets registered before he is taken to a different location.
He has so far told detectives handling the matter that he is a Kenyan, but he never showed any documents to support the claims.
“The minor says he is Kenyan but he does not have any document that shows he hails from the Eastern African country.
He is currently at an asylum centre here in the Netherlands,” an officer privy to the matter said.
Plans are also underway to get him a lawyer, who will assist him in arguing his case, both to the police and the immigration officials tasked with investigating whether he qualifies for asylum.
This comes just a day after detectives told the People Daily that the minor was doing well after he was released from hospital.
Teenager maintains he does not want to come back to Kenya.
Detectives believe the minor did not want to go to Holland and that his destination is the United Kingdom.