Sleuths probe how Sh20b gold ‘disappeared’ at JKIA

By , July 25, 2022

Investigations have been launched into reports that about three tonnes of gold valued at Sh20 billion mysteriously disappeared from the custody of customs officials in Nairobi.

The gold was allegedly smuggled a fortnight ago from a warehouse at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) where it was being stored.

Kenyan investigative agencies and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) authorities are also investigating illegal gold trade amid reports this has been fuelling the central Africa nation’s 15-year conflict.

Member States of the East African Community last month agreed to form a military unit to find a solution to the conflict.

Sources with the intelligence networks have told People Daily the consignment was flown out of the country without following due process or obtaining consent from the owner.

However, the destination of the consignment is yet to be established.

“The fraudsters have conspired with gold export agencies, aviation and government officials to move the large consignment whose destination is yet to be revealed,” says a report seen by People Daily.

Deal disagreement

A senior politician, who had been mentioned in a similar scandal in the past, is one of the persons of interest that detectives are focusing on.

Sources said buyers and sellers disagreed on payment and this prompted the would-be buyers to rely on the politician’s connections to move the consignment from the customs warehouse irregularly.

“The buyers are said to be of Arab and European origin. Detectives from both countries have already identified the parties involved and are now seeking to identify the destination and recover the gold,” a source said.

One of the owners of the gold — believed to be ill in DRC — has reportedly initiated the process of halting the transaction through Kenyan courts.

The theft was first reported at the airport police station, with information indicating the consignment went missing on July 12.

This is the latest high profile gold theft case to be reported in Kenya in the recent past.

In January, a Congolese citizen, Andre Kongolo Tshikunga, was charged with obtaining close to Sh1 billion from a Ukrainian in a fake gold scandal.

Two years ago, investigations into a Sh30 billion gold scandal curiously went cold under unclear circumstances.

In the case, a United Arabs Emirates family was to buy 4.6 tonnes of gold and when it was not delivered, they wrote an official protest note to the government. A Kenyan politician was adversely mentioned in connection with the case.

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