Pushed to devise survival tactics
We have heard enough about the struggles of campus life. It is no longer a laughing matter, nor a secret for a comrade to say they survive the whole week on only a meal a day. However, there are those few lucky comrades that get part-time jobs, especially now that we have switched to doing most classes online. They have found more time to hustle. These jobs become a great way to cover their study expenses and depending on how well paying the job is, they can earn some pocket money as well. A flexible part-time job enables comrades to have their own schedules and know how to balance the two.
Such comrades are seen as demigods. They experience the so-called wilderness days once in a blue moon. Not many comrades get such golden opportunities of earning while they are still in school. They also see themselves as the ‘Deep State’. The biggest number of them do online writing, which pays well to some, particularly those that have their own writing accounts. Then there is a new opportunity called forex trading. I haven’t tried this, but I have interacted with a few comrades that do it. They are said to hold the same character and ego with the ‘Wash Wash’ people. They will buy you the fish, but never teach you how to fish.
The lasses are few in the forex and cryptocurrency trading since tech-related stuff is not their cup of tea. They look for any fast paying jobs provided that it won’t affect their well-manicured nails. Immediately a comrade starts earning, they move out from the school hostels to find a bed-sitter or a one-bedroom crib to make them stand out. Like in JKUAT, most comrades living along Gate A or Gate B are considered affluent. Gate C is always associated with all societal ills such as crime. The same case applies to KU comrades. The ones living in Kahawa Sukari or Kahawa Wendani are the school’s deep state.
Living in such posh neighbourhoods gives the boy child a boost of confidence where convincing some chiles to spend a weekend together is easy as blinking an eye. Working while in campus will come with many advantages, but if not careful, a comrade may fall into the trap of overspending by partying the whole weekend while changing chiles like shoes, ending up as a pauper. You may even curse the day you found that job.