Sakaja picks Olive Mugenda to chair Nairobi County Health reform task force
By Antynet Ford, September 15, 2022
Kenyatta University Hospital Chairperson Olive Mugenda will now chair the Nairobi County Health reform taskforce.
According to a notice shared by Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, Mugenda will lead the task force constituting of eight members.
“It is notified for the general information of the public that the Governor of Nairobi, Sakaja Johnson, CBS, has appointed a task force to review and propose reforms in the Nairobi City County Health Sector,” the notice reads in parts.
The task force will engage the public, the County health staff, and other stakeholders to review citizens’ access to quality services.
They will also be required to assess facilities and health information on management, review the supply chain management of pharma and non-pharma products, assess the status of health information management, review current human resource capacity, assess the gaps, review and propose an efficient health financing model, and propose interventions for comprehensive health information management.
The task force will have up to 45 days to do the task and submit a report to the Governor.
“The Taskforce shall prepare and submit its report to the Governor of Nairobi City County Government together with its recommendations within Forty-Five (45) days from the date of its appointment,” the notice added.
The latest development comes a few days after the Governor made an impromptu visit to Mama Lucy Hospital amid protests following the death of a mother.
In this case, the new mother had just given birth, but because of the poor bed capacity, she was made to sit on the waiting benches.
It took the intervention of other patients in the hospital to intervene and call the nurses to attend to her.
The deceased is reported to have died after bleeding excessively medically referred to as Post-Partum haemorrhage(PPH).