NLC chiefs under fire over cancellation of interviews

By , November 24, 2023

A National Assembly committee yesterday took the National Land Commission (NLC) to task over the unexplained cancellation of interviews to fill senior positions.

This was a reaction to Commission’s CEO Kabare Tache’s failure to explain the reason for the cancellation of interviews for the position of Director of Human Resource and Administration and Deputy Director of Finance and Accounts without notice.

According to Lands Committee chair Joash Nyamoko, the cancellation of interviews last Monday and Tuesday without any notice or a clear explanation.

Kabare pointed out that the positions were advertised on August 29 and the deadline for receiving applications was on September 18. The commission then scheduled the interviews for November 20 and 21.

“The interviews were cancelled on November 20 due to unavoidable circumstances after a ‘Kamukunji’ between the chair Gershom Otachi and some Commissioners. I was not in the meeting,” she said.

“When you say unavoidable circumstances, you must be clear,” Nyamoko prodded.

Legal implications

In response, the CEO said when it comes to recruitment, the commission recruits directors, deputy directors and CEO while the CEO recruits principals and below.

“After the Kamukunji by the Commissioners, I was called and told to tell the candidates the interviews had been cancelled,” she said.

“The interviews were cancelled while the candidates were already in the boardroom with some coming from very far. Is that what you are calling unavoidable circumstances?” Nyamoko paused.

The CEO said the cancellation might have legal implications as applicants might accuse the Commission of discrimination or having a predetermined outcome.

The committee received a letter from an anonymous complainant directed to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption (EACC) who claims to be part of the candidates accusing the Commission of breaching the constitution.

“We are calling upon you (EACC) to take stern measures against this Commission including charging them in court for their unethical behaviour and initiation of the process of their removal from office,” the complainant wrote.

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