Low turnout characterises Kandara MP seat by-election

Low turnout has characterised the Kandara Member of Parliament (MP) seat by-election which is being held today, January 5, 2023.
A spot check in various polling stations in the area showed very few people trickling in to vote and others were deserted save for the police officers and Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officials.
The National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u who cast his vote at Gacharage Primary School urged the residents to come out in large numbers and vote for their new MP.
Ndung’u said the low numbers are worrying but remained hopeful they might go up as time goes by.
“The turnout is a bit low but I understand it’s in the morning. People could be engaged in their morning duties and once they finish they will go to vote.
“I would also urge the residents to make a wise decision about the person they want to become their MP because he will be the one to represent their interests at the National Assembly,” the CS said.

Chege Njuguna, one of the candidates eyeing the seat, also urged the residents to come out in large numbers and vote.
“I am banking on the high turnout to emerge the winner at the end of the day,” he said.
The candidate also said he was contented with the way IEBC organised the process adding that he expected no hitches.
“We hope the process will be free and fair devoid of any malpractices,” he added.
Kandara by-election candidates
The by-election was occasioned by the appointment of Alice Wahome as CS for Water.
The seat had initially attracted close to 40 candidates but a majority dropped their bid along the way leaving only five of them to battle out.
Despite the area being perceived the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) stronghold, candidates have picked other political entireties to vie for the seat.
Kibiru PMG is vying on Usawa Kwa Wote party, Samuel Kioi (The New Democrats), Titus Njau (Ford Asili) Joseph Mbugua (JFP), Chege Njuguna (UDA) while Pius Muiruri, David Kamweti and Erustus Gatehi are independent candidates.

The candidates will be scrambling for 105,149 votes.
Murang’a County Commander Ali Nuno said adequate security officers have been deployed in all the polling centres to ensure there is order.
“We dispatched 394 officers to man all the 197 stations and each Ward will have a gazetted officer in the rank of the OSC to handle emerging issues,” he said on Wednesday, January 4.