First Lady calls for safe cycling lanes
By PCS Presidential Communication Service, June 7, 2023
First Lady Rachel Ruto yesterday called for the creation of cycling lanes and promotion of mutual respect among all road users.
She noted that creation of cycling routes would promote cycling activities and reduce accidents.
The First Lady spoke after launching Global Alliance of Cities for Road Safety-ACROS at the UN Habitat Assembly in Gigiri.
“My office advocates for safe riding that motorists respect cyclists and cyclists respect motorist,” she said
Rachel observed that many cyclists have lost their lives on the Kenyan roads, saying such deaths could have been avoided if there were separate lanes for them.
“We need to cultivate a culture where we care a lot more about each other on our roads, “she added.
The First Lady noted that different people use the roads for different reasons.
“For some, it is for leisure and others it is their means to work while others cycle to get their produce to nearby markets,” she said
She added, “cycling was an affordable means of transport contributing to attainment of sustainable development goals,”
The First Lady said the sporting activity has numerous health benefits and has zero emission on the environment.
Climate action sport
He added that cycling offers affordable solutions and brings people of all walks of life together.
With a team of cyclists, the Rachel rode for 10.8 Km from State House to the UN- Habitat headquarters in Gigiri.
Cabinet Secretary for Youths Affairs, Sports and Arts, Ababu Namwaba acknowledged the First Lady’s efforts in promoting safe cycling.
“The Government supports cycling and safety of our cyclists remains our key priority,” he said.
He said the Government was committed to ensuring cycling remains a top climate action sport.
Executive Director, UN-Habitat Maimuna Mohd Sharif called on governments to create cycling paths noting that priority is always given to cars.
United Nations Special Envoy for Road Safety John Todt said cycling reduces road fatalities.
“Cycling is simple, affordable and interactive with environment, which also brings together people of all walk of life,” said Todt.
Meanwhile, Kenya has embarked on an affordable housing program aimed restoring dignity among informal settlement dwellers.
Speaking during the UN habitat First Ladies round table meeting, she said Kenya is committed to ensuring affordable shelter for all