First Lady calls for involvement of more women in environment conservation
Kenya’s First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has urged organizations involved in the conservation of the environment to include more women in their decision making processes.
The First Lady said environmental degradation affects the well-being of all humanity, noting that interventions require the full participation of all stakeholders.
“How we will live in the next decade is everyone’s business. It can no longer be the responsibility of government, UN bodies or donors. It will also require leadership and inclusive interventions from diverse voices because environmental degradation affects our well-being at the most basic level ranging from our need for clean air, clean water, food security and shelter.” she said
The First Lady spoke on Tuesday at Brackenhurst Conference Centre in Limuru, Kiambu County when she opened the Pathways Africa 2020 Conference.
Pathways Africa is a platform that seeks solutions to human-wildlife conflicts sponsored by Colorado State University and Pride Lion Conservation Alliance.
Margaret Kenyatta acknowledged the low participation of women in conservation efforts and urged for affirmative action to ensure gender parity in this field.(Xinhua)z