
Fake doctors arrested for selling performamce enhancing drugs finally charged in Kapsabet court

Fake doctors arrested for selling performamce enhancing drugs finally charged in Kapsabet court
Kenyan police car. A representational image. PHOTO/Facebook

Three fake doctors who put hundreds of lives at risk in an unlicensed Riverside Clinic located in Kapsabet, Nandi County have been charged with the offence.

Appearing before Kapsabet Chief Magistrate Kibet Sambu, the suspects namely Duncan Kipkosgei Bungei, Hillary Kiplagat, and Collins Kipkemboi denied ine different counts ranging from forgeries and practicing as medical personnel without proper papers in an unlicensed premises at Riverside chemist located at Kapsabet township.

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) informed the court that Kipkosgei alone forged medical prescription notes dated May 5 2022 purported to be genuine medical prescription notes from Kapsabet County Referral Hospital. He is said to have committed the offence on the diverse dates between May 5, 2022, and January 25, 2024, at an unknown location within the Republic of Kenya.

Kipkosgei also faced three other charges of forging medical prescription notes dated, September 10, 2022, July 19, 2022, and  May 5, 2022, purported to be genuine  prescription notes from Kapsabet County Referral Hospital.

The trio together faced a charge of failure to make entry into the poisons book as required in law about medicines they were selling to patients at their clinic.   

“Duncan Kipkosgei Bungei, Hillary Kiplagat, and Collins Kipkemboi on January 25, 2024, Riverview Pharmacy in Kapsabet Township within Nandi County, jointly failed to make entry of part 1 poison into the Poisons Book,” the charge sheet states.

Further, Kipkosgei and Kipkemboi together faced a charge of running Kapsabet Riverview Pharmacy as a Medical Clinic, a premise not registered and licensed as a health institution.

The court heard that three have been rendered medical services as clinical officers without a valid license.

“On January 25, 2024, at Kapsabet Riverview Pharmacy in Kapsabet Township within Nandi County, the accused persons jointly practiced medicine while not being licensed,” the state prosecutor told the court.

After denying the charges the three accused person urged the court to release them on lenient bond terms saying they will abide by all conditions set by the court.

The magistrate however granted each of the suspects a bond of Sh 100,00 or cash bail of Sh 50,000 each.

The case will be mentioned on June3, 2024.


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