Candidates get exam revision materials
More than 4,400 Class Eight pupils in Kiharu, Murang’a county have benefited from revision materials to help them prepare for this years KCPE examination.
Speaking at Technology Primary School in Murang’a town during the distribution of the materials, area MP Ndindi Nyoro said the move was in aid of home-based learning for the time the children will be at home.
“Most of the pupils are unable to access online learning and have also been missing out on radio and TV classes,” he said.
Nyoro said save for a few primary schools near urban centres, the majority were stuck in rural areas where digital learning was nonexistent.
“There are many families which don’t have TVs and others whose parents don’t have smart phones and thus cannot access the content,” he said.
Kiharu Education officer Richard Ng’ang’a said the materials would help learners prepare for their exams. The booklet covers all the subjects and topics covered in class.
“Electronic and online learning has not been very effective in rural areas.
We expect these candidates to give us better results when they sit for their exams” the education officer admitted.
The MP said with the help of a local publisher and teachers, the revision books have been compiled to help the candidates keep up with the syllabus while still at home.
Form Four candidates in the area would also get revision materials later this month.
“This will serve as an equaliser for all the pupils in the area because we expect that a common exam shall be given to all the candidates in the country,” he added.
Kiharu has been the other eight subcounties in Murang’a county in KCPE exams, which has been attributed to motivation awards for pupils and their teachers by politicians and other elite from the county.