Atheists opposed to Ngatia’s nomination for CJ post
By Njange Maina, April 13, 2021
Atheists in Kenya Society has opposed the nomination of Senior Counsel Fred Ngatia to the position of Chief Justice (CJ) and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya.
Through their president Harrison Mumia, the atheists say Ngatia is allied to President Uhuru Kenyatta which could sway his independence if appointed as the most senior judge.
In a letter addressed to Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu by Mumia on April 12, the atheists say they lack confidence in Ngatia’s ability to safeguard the rights and freedoms of Kenyans should he be appointed as the CJ.
“Senior Counsel Fred Ngatia defended President Uhuru Kenyatta disputed win in a presidential petition filed by Raila Odinga in 2013 and 2017. It is obvious that his personal interests are likely to be contrary to the Kenyan public as Chief Justice,” said Harrison Mumia in the letter.
The atheists said Kenya needs a CJ who will guarantee Judicial Independence seeing that the country is headed for polls next year.
Author Profile
Njange Maina
Njange Maina is a journalist by profession with a degree in Journalism from the Multimedia University of Kenya. He is currently pursuing a micro-masters degree in Digital Branding and Marketing. He is interested in digital media, human interest stories, and business journalism.
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