Ways to promote well-being of mind, body and spirit
By Nailantei, February 5, 2022
Many a Kenyan’s knee-jerk reactions to both triumph and/ or tribulation is to drink. Celebrating a promotion at work? Pass a beer. Oh, you got retrenched? I will buy you a bottle. It is, therefore, little wonder that bars are full from Monday to Monday.
We have a lot to cry about and celebrate, I daresay. But that leaves little time to actually take care of mental health, even if you are the drunken ‘blabberer’ – you know the person who shares all their woes with anyone within earshot when they are drunk.
So, you may want to consider taking a few fizzy drinks at least one day of the week, so you can take care of your mental health. Here are tips that you can incorporate into your overbooked and possibly overstressed life to alleviate said stress and promote well-being.
I know you thought that I would start by demonising beer and alcohol with friends – this goes to show how wrong you are and how much you have to learn. But, I am here for you, so fret not. Having a candid talk with friends over beer whenever life kicks your butt is a verified way of dealing with stress and promoting your well-being. Just make sure you have the right crowd that gives you good advice and helps you decompress, rather than people who will make things worse by giving you the wrong advice. Not everyone with a beer in hand is good for your well-being, you know!
I know we live in the concrete jungle and that it can be a struggle to move from the couch to the kitchen on a good day. But, you have to exercise if you want to maintain mental acuity. You also have to exercise if you do not want to age badly like an avocado; fresh and beautiful one day and wrinkly and out of shape the next. Not having a gym nearby is an excuse for the lazy. Do a few yoga stretches, play that YouTube video and this time, rather than watching it in bed, do a few of the exercises with them. Move just for 10 minutes each day, and your mind and body will thank you.
The pandemic has wrought a lot of havoc and doubt in many people’s lives. This has left people with a lot of confused and conflicting beliefs about themselves and who they are. A good way to address this is by practising affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that help programme the subconscious. ‘I am kind’, ‘I am wealthy’, ‘Abundance and health are seeking me out’ are a few examples of affirmations. You can write affirmations for any area of your life that you feel shaky about, be it relationships, health or finances. Just make sure you practise your affirmations early in the morning and in the evening before you sleep for the best results.
Have a journal where you write down things that you feel strongly about. Research shows that writing about painful experiences can help reduce their power over one’s life. Writing in a journal along useful prompts such as ‘What are my core values?’, ‘Why do I care about this so much?’, ‘Things I am grateful for can help someone get better reacquainted with themselves. It is important to channel both great and painful things, as one does not want the journal to turn into a pain diary. Writing things that one is grateful for is a proven way to channel good vibes that are a central part of the art of manifesting. Writing out one’s daily affirmations in their journal can also be a great way of promoting mental well-being.
When is the last time you went on holiday? No, sitting on your couch and working from home is not a holiday! Ah-ah, neither is going to the countryside and being on cooking duty for the entire Christmas and New Year festivities. We mean an actual holiday. Go to the beach or to the mountains. Sit still in nature and steep in it. Enjoy the breeze against your skin, unhurried by life’s worries and not harried by life.
Here is a revolutionary idea, go off-grid! Leave your phone and computer at home for a day or two and just go someplace where you can sit with your emotions and feelings without escaping. It will be hard, but it will be worth it, trust me. Social anxiety is at times induced by social media – what with everyone sharing their highlight reel, thereby making you feel inadequate and behind time. Find some time away from your gadgets and just sit alone with yourself and breathe. Breathe deeply. Hopefully, you will have read this piece before unplugging. May you have all the well-being you work for and deserve.