How is your customer service at home?

By , October 18, 2021

Recently, we marked Customer Service Week culminating to Huduma Day (formerly Moi Day).

Before the late President Daniel arap Moi retired, he had changed this day from being a national day to be a day dedicated to being concerned about other people’s welfare. 

We all can attest to the fact that nothing makes your experience enjoyable like being served well be it in a bank, government office, hospital, restaurant or any other places you go for seeking services.

On the other hand, we have also experienced some of the worst customer services in other places.

In fact, under our Constitution, the Kenya Police Force was changed to Kenya Police Service.

But so often what we have experienced with them is still that “force” rather than the service they are supposed to be to us raia.

Service is key, it comes from the verb serving — meeting someone’s need. You cannot serve or be a good servant if you are selfish. Service calls for selflessness.

And for you to have a successful relationship, you need to serve each other. You need to not just look for what is in it for you, but what you are bringing into the relationship.

How can I contribute to our well-being beyond just kutuma fare. How can I meet my partner’s needs? How do I serve them well? This goes beyond just serving them food.

To serve each other well, you need to know each other’s needs or love language. What is it that makes them happy?

What is it that they don’t like? How do I talk to them? Each time I fly, I can’t stop wondering if those beautiful women who serve me so nicely do the same to their husbands back at home.

Do they welcome them home with a smile and friendly tone? Guys who call their female colleagues all those sweet names and talk to them in a nice tone, do they do the same to their wives at home? How satisfied is that customer at home?

For two to become one, and remain one, how we treat each other really matters.

We need to realise that our spouse or partner is our internal customer and so be nice to them going out beyond ourselves to care for them and treat them special. Have a belated happy Customer Service week!

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