Is terror now on every side for our journalists?

By , April 14, 2023

Journalists and media practitioners in our country have such a great influence on our public affairs that it will be foolhardy not to acknowledge the same.  The recent weeks in our country have panned out to be very distressing for members of the fourth Estate. The brutal terror that has been meted on the journalists in the course of their duties, covering the weekly demonstrations in areas such as Nairobi, Kisumu and Migori calls for a loud shout-out.

Years gone by, journalists have rightly protested persistent attacks against them and the apparent muzzling of their right to free expression. In response to what was then perceived as continuous harassment, threats and assaults directed towards them as individuals and to their noble profession, they peaceably downed their tools and demanded that their rights to perform their jobs be respected. During their 2016 peaceful and quiet demonstration in major cities and towns in the country, their clarion call was, “Journalism is a profession and not a crime”.  The echoes and embers of the past are once again playing out and simmering; if the physical and emotional hurt the journalists have experienced covering the twice weekly demonstrations is anything to go by.

Rewind to 2020 and the onset of COVID-19 measures and restrictions saw the Kenyan broadcast and print journalists bear the brunt force of harassment as they carried out the assignment of providing Kenyans with the much-needed information on the pandemic. Suffice it to say, media was a very critical and all-important cog to deliver the much-needed public information in fighting the pandemic.

The rights provided for in our constitution guarantee unrestricted press freedom. The enjoyment of media freedom is clearly enshrined and anchored in the constitution under Article 34 on the freedom of the media and Article 35 on access to information. Freedom of expression is therefore, an enabling right and limiting it in media work means a limitation of other rights within the constitution and other written laws. The rights and freedoms of media and journalists are not only secured under our constitution; but also flow from the Government’s voluntary commitments to the various regional and international treaties and conventions that place a duty on the State to protect the freedom of expression and independence of the media.

All accredited journalists must enjoy their rights to safety, security, dignity and above all life.  Journalists must not become the target of restraint in the course of their fundamental duties and accountability to the public as they report on the goings-on in the country. After all is said and done and at the dawn of a new day, Kenyans will be up to look and access public information – and rightly so. Therefore, security agents and civilians must accord the journalists due respect and avoid attacking them in their line of duty. It is evidently clear, that journalists are continually finding themselves in precarious situations where the security officers and demonstrators view them as adversaries in the course of their duties rather than purveyors of public information.

Journalists carry out a crucial mission of public interest. It is often thanks to journalists that matters of national interest are brought to the attention of the public and of decision makers. Even international conventions and protocols call for the protection of journalists in situations of conflict and tensions. So let all and sundry stop the blatant attacks and harm on journalists. They too have their rights and freedoms and a story to tell.

— The writer, Dominic Kabiru is the  Asst. Director & Head of Public Affairs & Communication at Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)

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