MP’s head on chopping board over poor record
By People Daily, March 3, 2021MP’s head on chopping board over poor record
An MP from Nairobi’s Eastlands has his head on the chopping board after constituents accused him of sleeping on the job and not offering good service.
The MP, whose development record is said to be wanting is accused of failing to give the needy in his domain CDF Bursary for the last two years.
With his term in the third year count, residents have made their voices heard on many fora, including a community social media that has painted the MP black and more concerned about BBI than their plight.
New matatu entrant on wrong end of the stick
A recently formed matatu vehicle owners association was on the wrong end of the stick, after older players in the industry accused them of bringing confusion around the government move to pull them out of the CBD.
The national matatu association through its officials have given contradictory messaging over the ban, in a move that other operators term as extortionists and intimidating.
They have also been accused of menacing despite not owning any vehicles, while some of the officials are said to be in the police watch list.
Ire over piecemeal bid in recalling employees
A decision to allow back a section of employees of a parastatal has rubbed others the wrong way.
The Ministry of Agriculture-domiciled institution last week accepted back 50 employees, but there has been hue and cry over what insiders term as favouritism and tribalism.
Those who reported at the training centre for the briefing over the new Covid-19 rules they will be required to adhere to, were shocked to learn that some of the lot was actually not there.
Cunning ways catch up with popular politician
A man, known to leading politicians in the country, was on the run after he failed to pay for a bus that ferried people to a political rally in Gatanga at the weekend.
The man, who operates from several hotels in the city, made the attendees believe that they were to earn a decent fee after the meeting and were shocked to learn that there was no such arrangement for them.
The have also learned that the T-shirts they were wearing were not actually from the said politician.