
Confusion galore as Miano’s name misses in Ruto’s Cabinet list
Confusion over President Ruto Cabinet nominees story on People Daily Newspaper. PHOTO/ Screengrab by People Daily Digital of PD Newspaper front page

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The confusion surrounding the new cabinet persisted yesterday after president William Ruto amended the initial list, with the nominee for the Defence docket, Aden Duale swapping places with his Environment counterpart, Soipan Tuya.

There was more confusion after the name of the nominee for the Attorney General’s office, Rebecca Miano, was conspicuously missing from the list forwarded to Parliament for vetting.

The changes, communicated by National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula caught MPs by surprise, with many thinking he had erred and demanding that he re-reads the communication from the president.

Wetangula however insisted that the communication he was reading was valid, complete with the president’s seal.

He said: “I shall not repeat. The president just like Kenyans has a right to change his mind of what he has decided. What matters most is what is in the record of parliament. As you can see what I am reading bears the seal of the presidency. This is what has come to the house.”

Duale’s transfer from the Defence docket to the Environment ministry, a demotion of sorts, comes days after his supporters staged celebrations in Nairobi Central Business District, Eastleigh and Garissa towns to celebrate his re-appointment, a move, sources revealed, did not go down well with the powers that be at State House.

Duale’s situation was further complicated by reports that the military top brass at the Department of Defense, was not happy with his leadership and had planned to sponsor a petition in court seeking his sacking.

Countrywide protests

Duale was among the 20 Cabinet Secretaries who were dismissed from office following pressure from Generation Z who have in the last one month staged countrywide protests over bad governance.

And immediately Wetangula read the communication, Duale took to his social media account to thank President Ruto for moving him from the defence docket.

He said: “I am grateful to President @WilliamsRuto for reassigning me from the Defence Ministry to the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry. I look forward to serving in my new portfolio and ensuring focus is on sustainable environmental management, combating climate change, and promoting reforestation and conservation efforts.”

He added: “Indeed, ‘And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know.’ – Quran.”

The swapping of dockets between Duale and Tuya and the omission of Miano’s name from the list submitted to parliament was attributed the tough balancing act that the president is facing in the current re-organisation of government.

Insiders aware of the intrigues revealed that the opposition side which has agreed to join the government has demanded certain dockets, including the AG’s. Ruto last week named eleven individuals who will be in his new cabinet with six former Cabinet Secretaries being re-nominated to cabinet.

Besides Duale, Tuya and Miano, other CSs who have been re-appointed include Alice Wahome (Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development), Kithure Kindiki (Interior and National Administration) and Davis Chirchir (Roads and Transport).

And yesterday in parliament, Wetangula told the house that the communication he received indicated that Duale has been nominated as the CS for Environment, Climate change and Forestry and Tuya as Defence CS.

Table report

In the communication, Wetangula who chairs the appointments committee that will vet the CS nominees said they had 28 days to table the report in Parliament.

He told the MPs that all the nominees’ including those re-appointed will still be vetted.

The vetting exercise will take a month after the 12th Parliament changed the law on the vetting days of Cabinet secretaries from the initial 14 days to 28 days.

He said: “The committee to which such nominations are referred to shall consider the matter and table a report in the House within 28 days. It is, therefore, imperative that the committee commences the process of the consideration of the nominees.”

He added: “The committee on appointments is expected to immediately notify the nominees and the general public, commence the necessary approval hearings and table its report in the House soonest to enable the House to consider the nominees within the stipulated timelines.

But immediately he finished, several MPs sought an intervention from Wetangula clarification over Duale and Tuya’s positions.
Minority Whip Junet Mohammed while saying MPs will await the speaker’s direction on the nominees, assured Kenyans that this time round they will thoroughly vet the new CSs.

He said: “This time and this period in Parliament, I want to tell members that vetting of these CSs is not going to be business as usual. This time, if somebody is not suitable, if somebody is not capable, if somebody does not have the capacity, we are going to throw them out.”

He added: “We must do justice to Kenyans and we must do our work properly this time. I participated in the vetting of the last CSs, we know what people told us in that vetting and we know people who have come back. If the records of your net worth are not balancing, just know we will throw.”

Seme MP James Nyikal regretted that what Wetangula had read was different from what Ruto communicated to Kenyans.

He said: “What the President announced is definitely different from what you (Speaker) have read to us. At that point alone, the public will not really have confidence in what we are doing. Unless the President probably came and made the changes.”

Tiaty MP William Kamket added: “While the bar must be raised high for anyone appointed to Cabinet or any other public position, we do not also expect that the President is going to appoint angels into his cabinet. In as much as Hon. Junet is here threatening those nominees, even him…he who comes to equity must come with clean hands and therefore, he must not stand here and threaten the careers of other Kenyans as if he’s a very clean man. Even him, we know him.”

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