
Azimio headed for split as Raila, Kalonzo differ
Azimio Coalition led by Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka prepare to address a press conference in Nairobi before it was interrupted by goons yesterday. PHOTO/Philip Kamakya
Azimio Coalition led by Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka prepare to address a press conference in Nairobi before it was interrupted by goons yesterday. PHOTO/Philip Kamakya

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Azimio la Umoja Coalition was yesterday headed for a major split after supporters of Azimio principals Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka disagreed over the formation of a government of national unity.

Sources who attended yesterday’s meeting of the opposition coalition revealed sharp differences, with the pro-Raila side supporting the formation of a government of national unity while the Kalonzo faction would hear none of it.

So sharp was the split that a section of Raila’s key allies left the meeting before its conclusion after a majority differed with the call to have its members co-opted into the government.

Among those who left the meeting prematurely included ODM Deputy Party Leader Hassan Joho and National Assembly Minority Whip Junet Mohammed with sources revealing that they were unhappy with the resolution of the meeting.

Although Raila, Kalonzo, Jubilee Party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, Party of National Unity (PNU) leader Peter Munya and a host of MPs were left behind, their body language showed that they were not reading from the same script.

Hell broke loose when goons stormed the meeting shortly after Raila and some ODM MPs left, chanting that no press briefing would be held.

“The members of the media should get out. This statement is not going to be read here. So many of our people have died in the hands of the police for a long time now,” chanted one of the youths.

The goons struck as Kalonzo was just preparing to read the statement, accompanied by Munya, Siaya Governor James Orengo and a host of MPs.

The over ten goons could be heard swearing that nobody would be allowed to go against Raila’s wishes.

Botched briefing

 Sources blamed Raila for the botched press briefing, saying that he had negotiated for his backing for the African Union Chairmanship (AUC) by Ruto’s administration and that he was to present a few of his close associates to be named in the proposed government of national unity.

“The truth is majority of the leaders do not want to be part of this government. They are opposed to any negotiation that will make Azimio join a government that has lost touch with the people,” said a source who did not want to be named for fear of reprisal.

According to multiple sources who attended the meeting, Raila together with a few MPs persuaded the leaders to help President William Ruto first stabilise the government, put the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in place and then agitate for reforms.

Raila’s camp argued that the country is on the brink with fears that should the worst happen, the military was likely to take over power, a move that is likely to change the country forever.

Specific conditions

But the Kalonzo brigade maintained that there must be a national conversation with specific conditions before anyone could contemplate forming a government of national unity.

In addition, Kalonzo and his acolytes also insisted that all the top police officers who presided over the killing of the Gen Z protestors be sacked and prosecuted.

“We need the apprehension of the rogue officers responsible for the shootings, maiming and killing of peaceful demonstrators and the immediate interdiction of the top police officers who presided over the atrocities,” read the statement which was to be read by Kalonzo.

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