
You belong to UDA, Ruto tells Mudavadi, Wetang’ula
Deputy President William Ruto. Photo/File

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Deputy President William Ruto yesterday made yet another visit to Kakamega County during which he implored on One Kenya Alliance (OKA) principals Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula to join his camp.

Ruto said Mudavadi and Wetang’ula will gain more in his government if he is elected the country’s fifth President.

He also persisted in his verbal attacks on Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga who is perceived as his main opponent in the race for State House.

The DP accused the Mt Kenya Foundation of mistreating Mudavadi, Wetang’ula and other members of OKA.

“They called Mudavadi and Wetang’ula to an interview but could not even bother to release the results to them,” he told crowds in Lugari, Malava and Likuyani constituencies.

“Nyinyi ni watu wa kupangwa (are you the type to be decided for)?” he asked the gatherings that chanted back “hapana! (No!).”  

Charm offensive
The DP was making reference to last week’s endorsement of Raila’s presidential campaign by influential Mt Kenya businessmen.

 Ruto also condemned the infighting in Ford-Kenya which he said was orchestrated by forces that were against Luhya unity. He said Luhyas had supported Raila over the years but gained nothing in return.

The DP’s charm offensive came a day after a new political party associated with leaders from the Luhya nation, who are opposed to Mudavadi and Wetang’ula was officially launched.

The Democratic Alliance Party of Kenya’s (DAP-K) leadership under Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, Kanduyi MP Wafula Wamunyinyi and Tongaren’s Eseli Simiyu, announced that they would back Raila for the top seat.

 Ruto said he was not after endorsements from senior political players but was reaching out directly to the masses. The DP appears to be out to take advantage of the current disunity among Luhya leaders to win more support to his side.

The UDA leader has made a series of forays in Kakamega and other parts of the Western region. He has been to all the 12 constituencies in Kakamega where he presided over fundraisers and gave some cash to youth and small-scale traders.

A month ago during his last visit, there was drama over the millions he gave to local leaders to distribute to small-scale traders at Khayega, Malinya and Musoli markets in Shinyalu and Ikolomani constituencies.

Yesterday, the DP said Mudavadi and Wetang’ula were being fought and undermined by “hao watu wa vitendawili”.

“Do you want Mudavadi and Wetang’ula to join the Hustler Nation or those story-tellers?” he posed to the crowds.

Ruto addressed rallies at Lwandeti, Butali, Malava and Soy markets in Lugari, Malava and Likuyani.

He said he was proud of the development initiatives that he and President Uhuru Kenyatta had initiated in Kakamega County and cited six technical training institutes, roads and electricity.

The DP however cut a lonely figure as no political heavyweight from the county accompanied him. Ruto was accompanied MPs John Waluke (Sirisia), Benjamin Washiali (Mumias East) and Didmus Barasa (Kimilili).
 Others were Law Society of Kenya President Nelson Havi, former Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa and former Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale.

“We want to make it clear that the formation of the DAP-K is part of the elaborate scheme to divide our people and weaken our support for UDA,” said Barasa.

They said that Raila was using the small parties in the region to divide the Luhya community. 

“We must resist the slide of political parties into tribal enclaves. Let’s support UDA because it’s a national party with clear agenda for all Kenyans,” said Waluke.

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